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Zumba is a combination of aerobics, hip-hop, and Latin dance. Come dance along to your favorite songs, and learn basic choreography you can show off either at home or in the disco. Classes will consist of one “warm-up” and one “cool down” song for stretching, 12 songs for dancing, as well as 2 breaks. No experience necessary! These classes are for ALL dancing levels.


Did you like the Hip-hop dance last year? It is an excellent workout! It is the most challenging form of dance we teach, because it requires you to use every part of your body. We will provide classes for both beginners, as well as experienced dancers. Morgan Paige will be instructing classes, complete with instruction of basic hip-hop moves, and every class will learn choreography.


Ballet is an excellent way to tone your body and lose weight fast! It is slow and elegant. Both girls and boys are encouraged to join! Enid Moore, former ballerina from America, will be instructing both beginners’ classes, as well as more experienced classes. Classes will consist of learning both the basics of ballet, as well as small choreography.


Modern dancing is a form of contemporary dance. In some ways, it resembles ballet, but it is less structured. Modern dance is considered one of the most emotional type of dance, because it requires dancers to put their whole body into the emotion they are expressing. Interested? Join Enid Moore for an introductory class!


You know all the dancing you see in movies and on TV? Well this is what we call JAZZ! This type of dance is fun and energetic. This type of dancing shows off the dancer's original strengths and talent. The moves are often unique and fast. You will have the opportunity to learn some choreography, as well as some basic moves you can use just about anywhere!



WANT NEW STUFF?! We do too. This year, we have some new surprise classes. 

Want to learn more? Don't worry! We are working hard to provide EVEN MORE classes, but we want some of them to be a surprise! :D


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